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Cheat Game Obscure 2

Obscure: The Aftermath FAQ/Walkthrough GamesRadar+- -/ / / ) ( ) The code is: 'MOZART'Open the door to the front lobby after unlocking the doors. Front Lobby A black mist will encase the double door entrance and seal both characters in.Move up the stairs to the characters' right and open the door to reenter theHallway on the second floor.

Hallway Walk down the hall and approach the second door on the left with Mei. This isanother hacking puzzle like the last hacking puzzle, so choose to hack thelock.- The code is 'PICASSO'Enter the room after unlocking the door.

Storage Room Pick up the -9MM BULLETS- and the -FIRST AID KIT- from the box on the farside of the room. There is also a recharger against the left wall as thecharacters enter the room.


Exit the room and the Hallway then move back downthe stairs. Front Lobby There is no reason to enter the party room, so run down the hall and enter theBig Library. Big Library The monsters have wrecked this area since Kenny and Amy were here. Walk overto the section where the staircase folded down with Corey to get a 'Jump'command. Jump and grab onto the top floor then tap the O button to help Coreypull himself up. Don't forget about Mei.

Walk to the edge of the second flooruntil the 'Lift' command appears then press the O button and tap it to lift Meiup to the second floor. A Lurker will appear right below Mei, so quickly lifther. While the characters run to the other end of the walkway, the Lurker willleap up onto the second floor, so ready a melee weapon then pound him as hejumps over the railing. Open the door at the end of the walkway to continue. Outside Walkway A creature will move by in the background but nothing will attack here, so justopen the double doors on the opposite side of the walkway. The Study Walk over to the desk on the characters' right and pick up the -9MM BULLETS-.While your characters move to the other end of the study, spiders will attack,so bash them with your trusty hockey stick or bat.

Open the door up ahead.Chapter 3 - Reunion CH03Playable Characters: Kenny, Corey, Amy, Mei Outside Entrance Move down the stairs for a cutscene.Professor James will give your characters the SYRINGE after the cutscene.With this syringe, you can now make use of the creature's hearts once they aredefeated. As you have probably noticed, each big creature will leave behindits heart after it dissolves.

Walk over the heart then press the X button touse the syringe on the heart from now on. After the syringe has been filled upto level 1, a -SERUM- will automatically appear in your inventory. Serumsare much like first aid kits, so you will want to collect as much creatureblood as you can from the hearts of your victims.You can now select from Kenny, Amy, Corey and Mei. All of your characters'health gauges are still as they were when you last left them and they willremain that way for the rest of the game, so heal if you need to. The gaugesnever recover on their own. Save your game at the -SAVE FLOWER- on wall tothe left of the big door. By the way, that big door will not be opened untilmuch later in the game.Make sure that Kenny and Corey are in your party for the portion coming up.Move up the opposite set of stairs next to the doctor then use Kenny to grabthe pot and pull it out of the way of the path up ahead.

Open the door upahead. Auditorium Pick up the -FIRST AID KIT- on the small shelf by the table. There is ametal box below that is surrounded by black aura.

With Corey, 'Use' the nearbyspotlight on the current floor then switch to Kenny while Corey is controllingthe spotlight. Arm Kenny with the stun gun and normal gun then move down thestacked items to get to the first floor from the side without railing and thenwalk over to the metal box covered in black mist. Switch back to Corey thenhold down on the X button to shine a bright light on the black aura and make itdisappear for a few seconds. Quickly switch back to Kenny then slide the metalbox away from the area where the black aura appears.Three Lurkers will appear when Kenny has moved the metal box just a little waysfrom the black aura so quickly run behind the box then switch back to Corey.With Corey, focus the light on the Lurkers (press X) in order to drive themaway from Kenny and slightly damage them in the process. Kenny will fight themoff with the stun gun and the normal gun from below while Corey shines thelight. If you want, you might want to drive the Lurkers away with thespotlight then quickly hop down to the first floor with Corey and arm him withthe stun gun so he can stun the Lurkers while Kenny beats them with a meleeweapon - your call.

Make sure to stand over the hearts of the Lurkers oncethey dissolve and gather their blood by using the syringe on them - just watchfor the use command while standing over the heart then tap X.After the battle, slide the metal box all the way over to the area in front ofthe bar. There is another black aura blocking the exit door at this point.Take control of Corey then move down to the bottom floor. Get up on the metalbox that Kenny placed in front of the bar and jump to the bar roof. Takecontrol of the spotlight with Corey then focus light on the door with the blackaura below to get rid of it eventually. Once the black aura is gone, climbback down to the first floor then open the door that the black aura oncesealed.Chapter 4 - Finally Outside CH04Playable Characters: Kenny and Corey.

Don't heal Kenny anymore from this point forward. Patio Collect the -9MM BULLETS- from the nearby table then save your game at the -SAVE FLOWER- on the wall to the side of the door that the characters justexited from.

Step through the gate door after saving. Behind the Brotherhood Building Turn left then run down that path and open the gate door at the end for acutscene. Forest Entrance Playable Characters: Corey and AmyGood god this part can get annoying. Corey will whine about his car throughoutthis entire area, so mute your TV and put on some nice Silent Hill music if youcan't take the constant complaining like your guide author here.Follow the trail through the woods ahead and step out onto the road. Move pastthe broken crash barrier and follow the next trail into the woods on the otherside.

A creature will begin to yell then a Berzerker will step out from thepath up ahead. Arm the handgun and shoot the creature from a distance.It's easy to get lost in this part. Run down the path directly ahead (acrossfrom the path where you entered this forest) then look off to the right andcollect the -ENERGY DRINK-. Go back to the open area in the woods and make aleft. Two Lurkers will attack. You'll eventually stumble across some tiretracks in the dirt that will let you know that your characters are headed theright way.

Your characters will move past a broken fence eventually and thecamera angle will change. Deeper in the Woods Move forward and prepare for some more whining from Corey. Follow the path tothe left after the cutscene then take out your handgun and shoot at the Lurkerand Berzerker that will appear down the path. You'll probably start to run lowon ammo, but don't worry - you're about to get another gun. Follow the pathand use the battery recharger off to the right before the path splits.The left path is blocked by a fallen tree so run down the right path. Pick upthe CHAINSAW on one of the logs at the end of the path. Run back to thefallen tree down the left path.

Make sure that the battery is fully charged bycharging at the recharger then equip the chainsaw and hold L1 near the log thenhold R1 to saw through the log. Run back to the recharger and charge thebattery back up.

Both the stun gun and the chainsaw run on the same battery.Step past the cut log then take control of Amy and inspect the newspaper off tothe left further down the path for some extra details about a mysterious manthat has been found in this very forest! Continue on ahead then grab the -FIRST AID KIT- off to the left and step across the bridge. The camera willshow a shotgun right next to a fallen Berzerker and Corey's wrecked car.Make sure that your secondary character is equipped with a stun gun or handgunthen run and collect the SHOTGUN. Equip the shotgun as the Berzerker getsup and blast him as your other character shoots or stuns him. AnotherBerzerker will quickly enter the area from the other side so blast him rightafter the first Berzerker.

There is a steel set of double doors on the damagedwall across from the car but they are locked, so run to the right side of themand go through the crack in the wall using the command that appears. Path behind the Steel Door Find the -SAVE FLOWER- on the left wall down the path directly in front ofthe steel doors and save your game. The save flower is a little hidden by thecamera angle but look for the dark flowers along the path then turn to theright.Chapter 5 - Corey's Car CH05Keep moving down the path until a cutscene plays. Directly after the cutscene,three Flyers will attack. These enemies can be extremely aggressive and hardto hit.

The best way to deal with them is to equip your secondary characterwith a stun gun so that character will stun them and bring them to the ground.Run over to the grounded Flyer then beat it with a melee weapon while it isgrounded. Swinging at them while they are flying sometimes works but using thestun gun is the safest way really.Continue down the path ahead and keep moving straight. There are a few turnsto the left but they don't lead to anything special.

There will be a path offto the right, but if you don't have about a half charged battery it will do youno good since there is a fallen tree at the other end. Follow the straightpath then take out a melee weapon and smack the spiders that attack near theend.

Before reaching the end, look off to the right to see a batteryrecharger. Recharge the battery.The path will lead to a dead end, so run back to where you came from. FourFlyers will attack so take out the stun gun and melee weapons to deal withthem. Run back and recharge if you have to.

Take the left path that youdidn't take earlier and use the chainsaw to cut through the fallen tree at thatend. Step through the broken brick wall past the tree.

Hospital Courtyard Both of the doors in this area are locked. Switch to Corey then run over tothe door in front of the ambulance with the shining lights to get a jumpcommand.

Jump and grab onto the ledge up above then shimmy to the right andpull up when the command appears. Get on top of the raised area to the rightthen jump and grab onto the next ledge up above that raised area. Shimmy tothe right once again.Flyers will begin to attack while Corey shimmies to the right and Corey willfall and grab onto the next lowest ledge.

Keep moving to the right withoutstopping then pull up to the roof when prompted. Fight off the Flyers with ahandgun or a melee weapon. Heal if necessary. The way into the hospital isthrough the nearby window but you first have to help Amy up to the roof. Dropinto the hole on the side of the roof then unlock the door in the small room tolet Amy in. Climb back up with Corey then take control of Amy and step ontothe box then switch back to Corey to get a 'Lift' command while standing aboveher.

Lift her up then step through the window of the hospital for a cutscene.Chapter 6 - Looking for Jun CH06 In Front of the Dorm Playable Characters: Sven and MeiNothing will attack on the outside portion of the dorm. Find the -SAVEFLOWER- to the left of the double doors entrance to the dorm and save yourgame.Jun will be contacting the group constantly throughout this portion. Themagnetic lock switch on the left side of the double doors will not work and thedouble doors are locked so run to the right of the dorm entrance and find theclosed gate down the far right path.

Pull the switch on the right wall (tap Xafter grabbing it) to open the gate.Move into the area on the other side and the gate will shut behind thecharacters. Run past the pillars on the right side and move down the ramp.Jun will contact the characters at this time and mention that the monsters aretrying to get into the room that she locked herself into. A life bar for Junwill appear at the top of the screen and this bar will decrease as time goesby. If both characters get to her before her life decreases all the way thenboth characters will get to go to some extra areas and gain an extra spikedclub item, if not, then the extra areas will be skipped as the game switchesback to Corey and Amy.Find the raised area with the large crate on top then take control of Sven andclimb up to the left side of the raised area. Push the crate to the right withSven then climb on top of it. Turn around while on the crate then climb on topof the roof.

Take out a melee weapon while next to the window then break thewindow with a swing and then climb inside. Front Lobby There is battery charger to the left of the window that the characters climbthrough so make sure to charge your battery since you'll need the stun gun injust a bit. Take the -9MM BULLETS- from the desk then walk through the doorto exit the office.Four Flyers will attack as your characters enter the area with the stairs tothe side. Fight them off with the stun gun and melee weapons (have thesecondary character equipped with the stun gun). Find the lit up soda machineoff to the side and walk up to it then break it by swinging at it with a meleeweapon.

Collect the -ENERGY DRINK- from inside the soda machine. Run up thestairs in the lobby since the doors on the first floor are locked.Take control of Mei then examine the keypad to the side of the door at the topthen hack it.- The correct code is: 'FREUD'As soon as Mei tries to hack the keypad, more Flyers will show up down thestairs, so run back down them or wait for them then fight them off like before.If you're fast enough then you won't even have to worry about the Flyers - justexit the area. Open the door once the code is entered. Staircase Take the -9MM BULLETS- from the nearby box then move down the hall. Move upthe first set of stairs then take control of Sven and move the soda machinethat blocks the door to the right then open the door.

The doors up the stairsare all locked. Girls Wing Run straight ahead and break the soda machine then take the -ENERGY DRINK-from inside. You can enter the restroom down the left hall (after returning)to find a very gruesome sight on the sink inside. Otherwise, enter the hallwith the room at the end with the light and then open the double doors off tothe left at the end of that hall. Girls Wing 2 A Berzerker will be down the nearby hall so equip the gun and shoot at him.IF JUN'S LIFE BAR HASN'T DECREASED ALL THE WAY:The Berzerker will be holding Jun and will toss her ass out the nearest windowas you shoot him.

Blast at him and Jun will mention that she has run down tothe cellar as soon as the characters kill the Berzerker.IF YOU DIDN'T ARRIVE IN TIME:Then Jun will already be dead, so don't enter the hall where the Berzerker camefrom just yet or a cutscene will activate and you won't be able to get the restof the items.Either way, bust the soda machine down the hall straight ahead and collect the-ENERGY DRINK- from inside. Enter Room 117 by the soda machine.Chapter 7 - In Jun's Room CH07 Room 117 Use the -SAVE FLOWER- on the closet door then exit the room.

The rest of thetasks below can only be performed if you saved Jun, otherwise, skip to the nextsection with Corey and Amy. Girls Wing 2 Return to the Front Lobby. Front Lobby Move down the stairs and examine the security controls to the side of the doorbehind the main counter (near the soda machine). Sven and Mei will watchthrough the camera and control of Jun will be given to the player. Cellar For each camera angle that switches while in control of Jun, you will need torotate the right analog to adjust the screen so that it doesn't flicker. It isbest to run from every enemy that Jun runs across.With Jun, run toward the camera to enter a hall.

Grab the -SPIKED CLUB- fromnear the wall. Open the door at the end of the hall.A Berzerker will appear to the right of Jun as she steps into this new hall, soquickly run to her left then run toward the camera and move toward the fencedown the hall. Swing the spiked club at the boards on the gate to break themthen quickly step through the opening. The Berzerker will not follow. Openthe door to the left past the gate.A Flyer will attack. It's really best not to fight the Flyer since if movesaway from Jun quite a bit while attacking.

Run down the hall to Jun's leftthen open the door on the far right end.Move ahead then break through the boards on the gate walls then open the doordirectly ahead.Step into the hall directly ahead then turn right and open the second door onthe left side. Cellar Entrance Now the view will change back to a colored full camera and you will be incontrol of Jun from a normal viewpoint. Run straight ahead and open the door.Open the first door to the right in the next area.Use the switch down the hall up ahead for a cutscene.

Front Lobby The game will switch back to Sven and Mei. Open the door behind the counter. Cellar Run down the stairs and open the door.Take the -SPIKED CLUB- that lies near the left wall then defeat the Lurkerthat attacks. Run down the hall directly ahead to find a blood trail in frontof the door at the end. Find the chained crates to the right of the door withthe blood trail then push them with Sven.A Lurker will bust through a door behind the crates so defeat him. Open thedoor down the hall to the right.Move down the hall to the left up ahead for a cutscene.Chapter 8 - Mourning in the Hospital CH08 Second Floor Hallway Playable Characters: Corey and AmyTouch the -SAVE FLOWER- on the left wall to save your game.

Break the glasson the first door on the characters' left then open it. X-ray Room A cutscene will activate upon entering this room.

Walk over to the computerthat is still on and interact with it to open the lock on the nearby lab. TwoFlyers will attack and a Lurker will bust through the wall in the back of theX-ray room. Fight off all the enemies with the stun gun and a melee weapon orhandgun.Enter the lab and collect HERBERT WEST'S MAGNETIC PASS from the tableinside. Leave the lab and walk through the broken wall on the other side ofthe room then grab -SMALL KEY 1- from the table inside.

Leave the room. Second Floor Hallway The door to the right side up ahead requires the correct code to be entered onthe keypad. Run through the sliding door on the left side of the hall. Locker Room The glowing item box that requires three small keys is in this room, but youwill only have two keys by the time you exit the room, so you'll have tobacktrack once you get the third key. Take the -GENERIC REPORT- file fromthe row of lockers then use the 'Give a boost' command while standing near thelockers and collect -SMALL KEY 2-. Take control of Amy and inspect the tornpaper on the small table on the other side of the room.Right after inspecting the paper, Spiders will enter the room and attack soquickly cancel the puzzle and smash them.

Inspect the paper again and piecethe puzzle together to get the -HOSPITAL FLOOR PLAN-. Examine the paper tosee the following numbers on it: '0108'.

Leave the room. Second Floor Hallway Examine the keypad near the double doors across from the sliding door and enterthe code from the floor plan document: '0108'.

The door will unlock once thecode has been entered so open it. Flickering Hallway Walk directly ahead and collect the -SHOTGUN AMMUNTION- from the shelfagainst the wall. Take the -GENERIC REPORT- from the small table whilewalking against the camera. Keep walking against the camera and two Lurkerswill attack - one from behind the characters and other from in front. Have onecharacter stun one while the others hits it with a melee weapon.

There is abattery charger on the left wall at the end of the hall. Run back toward thelit up section of the hall after charging the battery then open the first dooron the left (once the camera changes). Patient Room Walk over to the right side of the bed and move against it to have yourcharacter push it slightly out of the way to reveal -SMALL KEY 3- on thefloor below it. Leave the room. Flickering Hallway Run back to the Locker Room and place all three small keys on the glowing itembox inside to get the CROSSBOW. Run back to the Flickering Hallway andenter the corridor with the light.

The door against the far wall up aheadrequires two keycards, of which you should have one from the X-ray room. Openthe door on the right. Patient Room 2 The guy on the bed flatlines as the characters enter the room. Bust the windowon the wall to the left of the bed with a melee weapon then climb through it. Alley Some whimpering can be heard out here.

There is no need to move down thenearby ladder just yet. With Corey, stand near the wall to the left of thewindow to get a 'Jump' command. Jump to grab the ledge. Shimmy to the rightthen use the 'Jump sideways' command to jump to the next ledge to the right.Keep using the 'Jump sideways' command while climbing until Corey climbs acrossthe metal beam and above the catwalk of the building further ahead.Let go of the metal beam then turn the valve handle near the window to raisethe trapdoor of the staircase on the catwalk. Take control of Amy and movedown the ladder then run up the stairs and stand below the opening in the topcatwalk. Take control of Corey then use the 'Lift' command to pull up Amy.Move through the window at the top of the catwalk.

Patient Experiment Room Lucky you, the whimpering noises just happen to be coming from this room. ALicker Spider and several small Spiders will attack from the left side of theroom, so arm one character (your partner) with a melee weapon then arm theother with the Shotgun. With your controlled character, focus the shotgun fireon the Licker Spider and mash the X button if its tongue catches yourcharacter.After the battle, walk to the other side of the covered bed then take WILLIAMKLINGEMANN'S MAGNETIC PASS from the bed on the other side.

Use the -SAVEFLOWER- on the nearby wall. Exit the room by stepping through the door by thebed.Chapter 9 - Patients' Room CH09Exit the room by opening the double doors next to the bed. Flickering Hallway The characters will step back out to the Flickering Hallway from earlier. Runinto the lit corridor then approach the metal door at the far end of the hall.Hold L2 while standing next to each of the card readers then press X afterselecting a magnetic pass to use one magnetic pass on one of the card readersand the other magnetic pass on the other card reader. This can be done withone character since it will give you plenty of time to swipe both. A cutscenewill occur once the characters enter the room beyond the sliding door.The characters will run down the corridor directly after the cutscene.

Theywill stop at the end of the corridor once they are inside the elevator. Thispart is timed so you have to perform the rest of this quickly.Examine the elevator control panel on the left side of the elevator. Use theleft analog to select each knob that appears in the lower right hand corner ofthe screen then tap the X button to rotate each knob. The colors must allmatch up with the color of the knob next to each one.Position them as follows:White BlackRed - Green Green - RedRed YellowRed YellowWhite - Green Green - RedYellow WhiteOnce the knobs have been arranged properly, a cutscene will play. Outside the Hospital Playable Characters: Sven and MeiAfter the characters move around a bit, a group of Flyers will attack so usethe stun gun and a melee weapon to finish them off. Walk through the first setof doors of the hospital and use a melee weapon to break the glass on the rightwall then take control of Sven and rotate the valve handle counterclockwise toopen the doors behind the characters and make the gate to the hospital behindthem shut.

A Berzerker will move toward the gate as it lowers and try to liftit back up but just keep rotating the valve handle and he will give up and walkaway.Charge your battery at the battery charger near the telephones. Run down thehall then open the double doors at the end. Reception A cutscene will play upon stepping into this room. Looks like the gangs allback together again, well minus a few. Speak with Professor James and he willhand over a BATTERY UPGRADE that will extend the battery gauge. Pick upthe -SHOTGUN AMMUNITION- from the reception area. The glowing item box tothe side requires three small keys just like all the rest, so we'll have tosearch for them in the hospital.

Break the soda machine at the other end ofthe room then take the -ENERGY DRINK- from inside. You need Sven and Mei forthis area.

Open the door on the right side of the back of the room. Security Room Have one character equipped with the stun gun and your main characters equippedwith the shotgun since two Lurkers and a Spider will pounce on your charactersas soon as you enter. Blast the Lurkers with the shotgun then switch to amelee weapon once there is only one left.Walk over to the opposite side of the room and take control of Mei then hackthe computer on the desk.The code is: EINSTEINAfter hacking the computer, take the RECIPE FOR EXPLOSIVE. This info willhelp with a few puzzles in this Hospital area.Check around the side of the last shelf in the back of the room to find -SMALLKEY 1- on a small table behind it. Walk over to the shelf with glass acrossfrom where you got the key and examine the keypad on the right side of it.The code for this keypad is on the Recipe for Explosive file.

It is: '1634'.Enter the code then collect the ASCORBIC ACID from the shelf. Leave theroom.

Reception Take control of Sven and move the cabinet that is blocking the door to theside. Open the door. Damaged Hall Open the set of double doors across from the characters. Morgue Take out a melee weapon and smash the spiders after entering this room. Run tothe characters' left and take -SMALL KEY 2- from the table to the side. Takethe -AUTOPSY REPORT- from the shelf on the right side of the room and be sureto grab the GLYCERINE from the left shelf before entering the area with thesmall room in the back.Walk into the small room. More Spiders will eventually attack.

Bust the glasson the small container on the shelf and take the BLOCK OF ICE. Exit thisroom by stepping back out into the hall. DAMAGED HALL Walk down the hall until you reach the debris hanging from the ceiling thenturn to the right and step against the window for a 'Step Over' command.

Stepinto the room behind the window.Chapter 10 - The Hospital Laboratory CH10 Hospital Laboratory Walk to the immediate left then take -SMALL KEY 3- from the sink at that end.There is a save flower in here, but perform the item collecting and puzzlesolving first.Run toward the back and take the -GENERIC REPORT- and other -GENERIC REPORT- from the desk off to the left. Pick up the CAUSTIC SODA from the farshelf. Circle around the left corner and take the -FIRST AID KIT- from ashelf up ahead then run down the corridor to the left and pick up the -AMMOFOR FLASHBALL-. At the very end of the other side of the room, break theglass of the set of shelves then grab the BLEACH.Now you should have all the items needed to make the Explosive mixture -Ascorbic Acid, Glycerine, Block of Ice, Caustic Soda and Bleach. Run back overto the lit up shelf then examine the shelf when the 'Use' command appears.Place the items in the mixer in the following order as listed in the Recipe forExplosive:Bleach - Ascorbic Acid - Block of Ice - Glycerine - Caustic SodaThe characters will collect the DYNAMITE after mixing the materialsproperly. Now run toward the -SAVE FLOWER- on the side of the room and saveyour game. Kenny can be heard in the background as he continues to search forShannon shortly after the mixture is made.

Leave the room by stepping backthrough the window and return to the reception. Reception Use the three small keys on the glowing item box to get the FLASHBALL.This weapon will stun an enemy instantly. Arm the Dynamite then find the weakwall down the hallway to the left of Professor James. The wall is the onlyportion that is bricked with minimal painting. Stand at the other end of thehall away from the weak wall then hold L1 with the Dynamite equipped and tapthe R1 button to throw the Dynamite at the wall. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR SECONDARYCHARACTER IS BEHIND YOU or the explosion may cause damage to him/her.The dynamite will explode and destroy the bricked portion of the wall if tossedcorrectly.

Make sure to switch to Corey and Sven before stepping through.Enter the room behind the wall via the newly made hole in the wall. Storage Area Move down the stairs and drop below then move through the path to the right andthen make a left followed by another left and pick up the -ENERGY DRINK- nearthe small crates.There is an item up on a high shelf that can only be reached through a littlebit of teamwork between Sven and Corey.

Take control of Sven and find thestack of crates up under the staircase at the beginning of this room. Seizethem then pull them out a little ways but leave them next to the side of thestaircase without railing.

Take control of Corey and get back on top of thestaircase then drop down on top of the stack of crates by stepping off the topof the stairs without railing. Take control of Sven once again then seize thestack of crates with Corey on top and push them all the way toward the shelfdirectly in front of Corey.Take control of Corey then use the 'Jump' command while standing next to theshelf to jump and grab on then shimmy to the right and 'Jump sideways' towardthe shelf to the right. Climb all the way to the right of the second shelfthen choose to 'Drop down' and Corey will let go and grab onto the shelfunderneath. Shimmy to the right until you get a 'Jump sideways' command thenjump to the shelf on Corey's right. Shimmy to the right then pull up and usethe switch on the right wall to lower the ladder to the right. Get on top ofthe nearby taller shelf then collect the -SHOTGUN AMMUNITION-.Get on top of the next tallest shelf with Corey. Take control of Sven onceagain and find the other stack of crates on the opposite side of the room thenpush them toward the shelf that Corey is on and position them right up againstthe left wall by the shelf.

Take control of Corey and drop down on top of thestack of crates. With Sven, pull the crates all the way over to the oppositeside of the room and position them next to the tall shelf on that side.Take control of Corey once again then step onto the shelf on his left. You'llfind a save flower but it can't be used just yet.

Run past the door then usethe elevator control pad to bring the elevator down just a bit. Switch to Sventhen run over to the elevator and face it then take control of Corey to get a'Lift' command. Lift Sven up then step back onto the top of the nearby shelf.You'll have to manually make Sven step up on the shelf as well.Now that both characters are on top of the shelf, use the -SAVE FLOWER- tosave your game.Chapter 11 - The Hospital Warehouse CH11Open the door for a cutscene.Boss - Mutated KennyYou'll automatically be given control of Corey at the beginning of this battleand Mei will be your partner. Corey will start out with whatever your maincharacter had just before stepping through the door.Kenny only has three attacks:Black Aura Spray - Kenny swipes one of his arms and shoots a black auraprojectile toward the characters.Black Aura Ground Pound - Kenny pauses for a bit as black aura appears on thewall and floor then he quickly jumps forward and pounds the ground in thecenter of the room.Claw Attack - Kenny swipes his arm at your character to knock the characterback.The main attack that you will have to dodge in this battle is his black auraspray.

Run to either side as he leans his arm back to avoid it. He will notperform his claw attack unless you get too close, so just keep your distancemost of the time.

To avoid the ground pound, just run to the back right orleft side of room (against the camera) and your controlled character will nottake any damage. The main problem with this battle lies in the computercontrolled character since the AI will not move away from the ground pound evenif you do. If you have another player in the room then tell that person to runfrom right to left constantly and stay in the back right or left side of theroom against the camera whenever Kenny is about to ground pound. You couldalso press start on the second player controller and move the characteryourself - Kenny focuses on your main character with his black aura spray.Arm the Dynamite with Corey and throw it directly toward Kenny at the beginningof the battle to damage him severely. Arm your secondary character with thehandgun so that character can shoot while the dynamite explodes.

Shoot Kennywith about two more Shotgun blasts and this part of the battle will end. Ifyou don't have another dynamite then shoot at Kenny with the Shotgun orCrossbow. Try not to overflow him with shots - A cutscene will play eventuallyafter he has taken enough damage but the cutscene is a bit delayed, so you mayactually waste ammo by firing too much.The battle will resume and Stan will automatically be in the role of the maincharacter with Shannon as the secondary character. Shoot at Kenny with theCrossbow or Shotgun during the remainder of the battle and allow your secondarycharacter to hit him with the handgun.

Don't use the Flashball during any partof this battle - you'll just be wasting ammo. Just like in the first battle,don't overflow him with damage or you might waste ammo shortly before thecutscene at the end of the battle triggers.A set of cutscenes will play once Kenny is defeated.Chapter 12 - Entering the Dam CH12 Near Fallcreek Dam Playable Characters: Stan and ShannonMove ahead then step through the hole in the wall and step toward the door.Stan must unlock the door by picking the lock. Use the O button to begin alock picking puzzle. In order to lock pick a door, you must move the littlemetal pin through the metal pieces inside and force the pin into the hole onthe right side of the screen. In order to do this, you must lift some of themetal pieces and raise others.

You might have to raise the first then lowerthe second and raise the third. I'm not going to go into a big explanation ofthese, they are more complicated to describe than they are to actually do.Open the door after picking the lock. Entrance The path off to the characters' left is blocked by a crate that cannot be movedwith either character. Walk up to the left set of lockers against the wall anduse the 'Give a boost' command then collect the -FLASHBANG GRENADE-. Thesecan be quite useful for some big upcoming battles.

Run up the stairs in theback of the room to find a -SAVE FLOWER-.Take control of Shannon and walk toward the black mist that surrounds the doorand use the 'Breathe in' command on the mist. A minigame will occur where ameter will appear above Shannon. You must tap the O button and keep the whitecursor aligned with the black portion that moves back and forth in the meter.The meter will grow smaller and the black portion will continue to move thewhole time. After the cursor stays in line with the black portion for longenough, the meter will disappear and the black aura will disappear from thedoor. Open the door afterward to continue. Corridor Move down the hall ahead. Spiders will attack near the middle so ready yourmelee weapon.

Upon checking the door to the right down the hall, Stan willcomment that the lock is rather old - this door requires a key. Move furtherdown the hall then use a melee weapon to break the boards covering the openingin the wall. Use the battery charger on the left wall if needed. This roomalso contains the glowing item box for this area.

Find the keys in this areathen come back in here and open the box like usual - you won't find them allwith Stan and Shannon.Move further down the hall. Neither of your characters can move past the halldown the right side since electrified water blocks their path. Walk down theopposite side of the hall. Spiders will begin to attack down this end.

Checkthe door to find that something is blocking the way. Return toward theprevious area as the Spiders attack and a Berzerker will plow through thenearby wall.

Take out the shotgun and blast the Berzerker then enter the roomthat he busted out of. Take the SKELETON KEY from the shelf inside thenpick the lock of the locker in the back to receive -SMALL KEY 1-.Run back out of the room then move back down the hall and use the Skeleton Keyon the old door off to the left to open it. Steam Room Walk over to the controls for the steam pipes up ahead. Examine the controlsto make a map pop up.A- -B- -C-D-Here is the correct combination that the nozzles should be turned in.A- 4-B3- -C2-D1-After turning the third nozzle, press the R2 button to take control of thesecondary character then move to where the third steam vapor was. While thesecondary character stands next to the third pipe, turn the fourth nozzle andthe steam will disappear from the fourth pipe and reappear from the first two.Your character will be safe if he/she is next to the third pipe.Continue into the area behind the steam vapors with the secondary characterthen rotate the valve on the left wall clockwise to cut off the steam in theroom. Go up the ladder against the far wall then open the door at the top.

Control Room Use the battery charger next to the left elevator door inside if needed. Theelevator door is not working. Take the -9MM PISTOL AMMO- from the top of thecontrols then open top portion of the left side of the controls to trigger acutscene. Near Fallcreek Dam Playable Characters: Corey and SvenOpen the door up ahead. Entrance The characters cannot retrace the steps of Stan and Shannon since the blackaura is surrounding the door up the stairs once again.

Take control of Sventhen push the crate up the stairs to the left and then push the crate up ontothe other one in the back. Take control of Corey after lifting the crate thenjump on top of the high crate. Move up to the wall ahead then jump and grabonto the pipe and shimmy to the left. While next to the vent, let go.Corey will fall quite a ways down but he will land next to a switch. Pull theswitch to open the gate door behind Corey and allow Sven through the gate.Enter the room past the gate and collect -SMALL KEY 2- from the stack ofboxes to the left, recharge the battery if needed at the battery charger, pickup the -SHOTGUN AMMUNTION- from near the railing, then finally save your gameat the -SAVE FLOWER- on the electrical cabinet to the left. Move down thestairs and open the door after saving.Chapter 13 - Electrical Cabinet Room CH13 Sewer Tunnel Walk down into the shallow water then get up on the small walkway on the rightside of the wall.

Turn the valve to open a panel on the right wall and revealsome -CROSSBOW ARROWS-. Continue down the sewer tunnel and a few Lurkerswill attack. Use the stun gun and a melee weapon to handle them.The door to the left further down the tunnel is locked so continue forward andfight off the two Lurkers that appear then step up onto the left walkway andpick up the -SHOTGUN AMMUNITION-. Open the door at the end of the tunnel. Turbine Room Pick up the -FIRST AID KIT- off to the left then climb down the ladder.In order to get past the turbines in this room, you will need to run along thecatwalk up ahead and avoid the blades while you run.

Notice that the rightturbine has only two metal blades that are both together and there is a big gapalong the back of it. Time a run to where you can move past the turbine whilethe portion with no blades on the right turbine rotates toward the catwalk.You'll have to work your way in between the left metal blades as well. Theleft turbine doesn't move as fast, so you'll have to time your run as a bladehas almost moved past the catwalk for that side.

Unfortunately, the turbineswill most likely instantly kill your characters if they are caught by a bladeand you will have to load up your last save from near the sewer tunnel. TakeCorey through the turbines first.When you make it past the first two turbines, jump up to the left high platformwith Corey and collect the -SHOTGUN AMMUNITION- at the end of the walkway.Run back and drop back down. Jump to the right high platform and pull up thenjump and grab onto the pipe on the far wall. Shimmy to the left and drop tothe walkway on the other side. Pull the switch next to the ladder to lower theladder for Sven.Sven must run through both sets of turbines.

For the last turbine, notice thatit speeds up for about five cycles then speeds slows down. Quickly run throughit once the two blades pass by while it moves slow. Climb the ladder at theend to join Corey then move through the vent directly ahead. Steam Room Take control of Sven and push the right crate toward the right then move downand grab the next right crate and push it to the right. Move the other cratebeside it just a bit if needed then collect the SOLDERING TOOLS and the -FLASHBANG GRENADES- from the nearby open locker.

Move down then push thecrate against the camera all the way downwards. Don't enter the area whereStan and Shannon solved the steam puzzle just yet, instead, open the doorbehind the last crate that you pushed. Corridor Bash the Spiders that attack then run down the hall and stand near the leftwall of the path with the electrified water. Face the left wall with Corey toget a 'Jump' command. Jump and grab onto the overhead pipe then shimmy toother side of the hall.

Take the -SMALL KEY 3- and -FIRST AID KIT- fromthe other end then grab onto the pipe again and shimmy back across.Run back down the corridor then enter the small room with the item box and useall three small keys to unlock it and collect the FLARE GUN. Run back downthe hall then open the door that you used to enter this area. Steam Room Run past the area where Stan and Shannon solved the steam puzzle then move upthe ladder and open the door at the top.

Control Room Sven and Corey will meet up with Stan and Shannon inside the control room. Thesyringe will be upgraded at this point.

Now a higher concentration of serummay be created to heal your characters even more, but this will take moremonster blood. Save your game at the -SAVE FLOWER- on the right wall.Use the soldering tool on the portion of the control panel that is lifted toactivate the elevator. Make sure you save your game before opening theelevator since a cutscene followed by a boss fight will occur shortly after thedoors open.Chapter 14 - Amy Needs Help CH14 Warehouse Boss - Mutated KennyRun away from him at the beginning of the battle since he will try to slap bothcharacters with his arm. This battle remains basically the same as last timeexcept now your characters can take shelter behind any of the wooden cratesinstead of simply running to the side in order to avoid Kenny's dark aura shot.Be careful about taking cover behind a crate though because Kenny can groundpound the crate to destroy it while he moves to another side of the room.Watch for him to move toward a crate then quickly move away from it. Steamwill move up from the middle metal gratings at times and this can damage yourcharacters, so stay off the metal grating as much as possible.He still performs his Dark Aura shot, ground pound and claw strike like before.The main difference this time is that he will move to different portions of theroom. Kenny can be badly damaged with a flashbang grenade - this willinstantly stun him with just one grenade - or you can use the crossbow,shotgun, handgun, or flare gun to put a constant hurt on him and stun himeventually. I have run into a game bug before where I threw the flashbanggrenade at the beginning of the battle and it stunned Kenny once and continuedto stun him each time he recovered.Every time that Kenny is stunned, run over to the valve handles on the nearbywall (to the left) and interact with them then rotate the valve handleclockwise to make a turbine move over Kenny.

It will fall on him once it movesfar enough. Stun him three times with weapon fire then drop a turbine on himthree times to finish this battle. More crates will continually move out ofthe walls for you to take cover behind. I have run into a -FIRST AID KIT-once Kenny has broken a crate before, but I suppose it is random since itdidn't always appear.Chapter 15 - Leaving the Dam CH15 Bridge Playable Characters: Corey and ShannonSave your game at the -SAVE FLOWER- near the locked door.

Collect the -FIRST AID KIT- by the railing of the staircase then move across the bridge. Afew Flyers will attack, so arm a stun gun and a melee weapon then fight themoff.There is a gap in the bridge ahead, so take control of Corey then step towardthe broken railing on the characters' left and use the 'Go down' command thenshimmy across the side of the bridge. Pull up on the next side once you reachthe portion with no railing. Run forward and collect the -9MM PISTOL AMMO-then use the shotgun or the pistol to defeat the two Berzerkers that move downthe path ahead.Pick up the BOARDS from off to the side near the bridge and Corey willautomatically place them over the gap so Shannon can cross. Follow the pathahead then open the metal set of doors at the end. Dock Follow the path up ahead then enter the boathouse.

Pull the two switchesinside to lower the boat and make it slide down the ramp and into the water.Run out to the dock then use the 'Leave the shore' command while standing nearthe boat. Out in the Water Hold the left analog forward to row and tap the X button to speed up. Rowtoward the spiked wooden pieces up ahead. Eventually Flyers will start toattack both characters but there is really not much that you can do at thispoint except keep moving so keep rowing. You can equip your secondarycharacter with a projectile weapon (stun gun) to have her shoot at the Flyersand slow them down but they will keep attacking.Row past the light directly ahead then start to turn to the left.

Make a sharpleft. You'll eventually reach the dock on the other side of the lake. Moveagainst the dock to get off the boat. Dock on Other Side Use the battery charger to the left if needed then move along the dock ahead.Spiders will attack eventually. The right path is blocked so move down thepath directly ahead. The cave to the right is blocked so keep following themain path. Follow the main path to the end then pick up the -FLASHBANGGRENADE- from the dead end.

Go back then take the alternate path at thesplit.Spiders will attack down the next path. Pick up the -AMMUNITION FOR FLAREGUN- then saw the fallen tree in half with the chainsaw. Step toward thelarge open area up ahead.A Spider Licker will attack from off to the right. Throw a flashbang grenadeat it then shoot it with a couple of shotgun blasts to easily defeat it.

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Cheat Game Obscure 2

Use amelee weapon to smash all the little Spiders around the area.Approach the wall up ahead then switch to Corey and use the 'Jump' command tograb onto the side of the high platform then pull up. Lift Shannon up onto theplatform. Use Shannon's 'Breath In' command to remove the dark aura from thecave entrance up ahead.You'll see a red light up ahead.

Cheat Game Obscure 2 Game

Step off to the left then enter the openingin the wooden gate. Use the 'Go up' command while standing near the leftraised area inside then move up into the building above. Break the drinkmachine then take the -ENERGY DRINK- from inside - the camera angle hides thedrink machine somewhat. Use the -SAVE FLOWER- on the left wall.

Follow thewooden bridge up ahead to trigger a cutscene near the end.Chapter 16 - Pontoon Snack Bar CH16 Out in the Water Playable Characters: Sven and AmySven and Amy will start out in boat in the middle of the water. Row toward theleft while moving ahead then row past the gate in the water. Keep moving tothe left and you'll eventually stumble across a dock. Row toward the dock andthe characters will get off the boat. Dock Use the battery charger to the left if needed. Spiders will attack followed bya Lurker.

Use the stun gun and a melee weapon on the Lurker. Move along thedock then turn to the right and take the right path closest to the water tofind an -ENERGY DRINK- on the boat at the end. Return to the path split thentake the path that leads straight ahead.Enter the cemetery past the gate up ahead. Take control of Amy and 'Inspect'the first broken gravestone in front of the gate.

Piece together the puzzle toget the -RECONSTRUCTED STELE-. This will help you to solve the gravestonepuzzle in this area. Walk over to the right gravestone with the high crossabove it.Examine the back of the gravestone to get a view of all the gravestones in thecemetery. You will have control of the secondary character at this point andyou can run to each gravestone then press the X button in front of it to lowerthe gravestone. The object of this puzzle is to lower the gravestones that donot match up to form the carving displayed on the Reconstructed Stele that Amyjust put together.- Solution: While looking through the gravestone, lower the first threegravestones in front then lower the back gravestone furthest to the right.The gate in the back of the cemetery will slide open after the correct carvingsare displayed on the gravestones.

Walk through the new opening.Chapter 17 - The Mausoleum CH17 Courtyard Collect the -SHOTGUN AMMUNITION- from off to the characters' right then usethe -SAVE FLOWER- on the left wall.Run toward the back right portion of the house up ahead and a few Lurkers alongwith a new Super Lurker will attack.